Majpell 5 1.5m x 50m Interior
Majpell 5
Majpell 5, the vapor control layer for roof, wall and ceiling structures
The all-purpose, easy to apply vapor control layer Majpell 5 covers not less than three different applications: between and above-rafter insulation and roof renovation from the outside. In combination with the approved SIGA high-performance adhesives, Majpell provides for permanently airtight building envelopes for roof, wall, and ceiling structures in the interior.
With a fixed perm rating of .68, Majpell will protect the structure by minimizing vapor drive from the interior.
Combining Majpell with the breathable membrane Majcoat (sd value = 0.1 m) ensures perfect moisture transportation with a diffusion gradient of 50:1.
Your advantages
Works with between-rafter and above-rafter insulation. Since it is translucent, it gives you the ability to see or inspect insulation, making it easier to install dense-pack cellulose insulation.
Majpell is sturdy, flexible and dimensionally stable and can be laid quickly, easily and without wrinkles.
With a low perm rating, Majpell is impermeable to water yet has the ability the diffuse water vapor, preventing condensation.
Width: 1.5 metre
Length (per roll): 50 metre